Career guidance

Career guidance is the process of helping students to identify and explore their career interests, abilities, and goals, and to develop the skills and knowledge they need to pursue their chosen careers.

Can help students to make informed career decisions based on their interests, skills, and goals. This can help students to avoid the frustration and disappointment of choosing a career that is not a good fit for them and increase students' motivation to pursue their goals. When students have a clear understanding of the careers that interest them and the steps they need to take to pursue those careers, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their studies.

When students understand the relevance of their coursework to their future careers, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their studies.

Career guidance also help students to develop the skills they need to succeed in their chosen careers, such as communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking. By developing skills such as resume writing, interviewing, and networking, students can be better equipped to compete for jobs and succeed in the workforce. By understanding the education requirements for their chosen careers, students can make informed decisions about the types of post-secondary education and training they need to pursue.